Doc’s Feed Salem Va


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Doc’s Feed Store Located at 2944 W. Main St. Salem, VA 24153 540-380-3433

Carries all of your Blue Seal and Sentinel Feeds and so much more from gift for a horse person to saddles.

Want to donate feed to the horses here at RVHR just give them a call they will be happy to take your order and have it ready for us to pick up when we up our normal bi-weekly feed.

Here are some of the items we use and the prices.  Note:  Prices are subject to change.

Alfalfa/Timothy Cubes Alfalfa/Timothy Cubes 50# $15.39
Shredded Beet Pulp without molasses $16.72
Rounders Carrot $  5.75
Rounders Spiced Apple $  5.75
Sentinel LifeTime $18.75
Sentinel Performance LS $19.25
Sentinel Senior $17.77